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The bigger we get, more property that we’re going to need. We’re looking forward to working with Jimmy in finding us the right Indiana retail real estate for sale to acquire.


What is SuperJams? SuperJams is a fusion of two cultures where the whole community meets, American and Hispanic, and where convenience is done right, where in and out is faster as well as the grocery part, where we do expand a lot in the variety of what we would You can get in a gas station and the right price, where you could get in hours, where the in and out is just as fast as a gas station,but as well as we are 24 hours in Indianapolis, IN.

We’re looking to expand. We hired Jimmy as our broker because he had the eye since the vision of our project needed to be located in the right way (Indianapolis retail real estate for sale).

Instead of leasing, we had the potential to purchase the properties, and Jimmy helped us a lot into this.

As we grow, now we’re going to have three locations. The bigger we get, more property that we’re going to need. We’re looking forward to working with Jimmy in finding us the right property as well as he did on the 16th street. It’s a key point for our locations to grow, and I think Jimmy has the right eye to find those locations since he’s been in the business for a long time. We are looking to expand in the future with Jimmy Shatara as our partner with SKYRISECRE.

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